Įmonė | UAB ,,Kaunas Aircraft Maintenance Services'' |
Fakultetas | Cheminės technologijos fakultetas Ekonomikos ir verslo fakultetas Elektros ir elektronikos fakultetas Informatikos fakultetas Matematikos ir gamtos mokslų fakultetas Mechanikos inžinerijos ir dizaino fakultetas Panevėžio technologijų ir verslo fakultetas Socialinių, humanitarinių mokslų ir menų fakultetas Statybos ir architektūros fakultetas |
Virtuali atranka | Ne |
Darbas per nuotolį | Ne |
Sezoninis darbas | Ne |
Paskelbta | 2025-03-21 |
Galioja iki | 2025-04-23 |
Darbo vieta | Oro uosto g. 4-1, Karmėlava, Lietuva |
Atlyginimas | Nuo 1370.00 iki 1370.00 eurų (bruto) |
Kaunas Aircraft Maintenance Services, or simply called KAMS, is one of Ryanair’s technical support bases in Europe, located at Kaunas, Lithuania. Our daily task is to perform technical maintenance and repair for Boeing 737-800 aircraft which are serviced in our 4 hangars. KAMS goal is to provide highest level of services and ensure Ryanair passengers fly safely.
Ryanair is Europe’s favorite low fares airline, operating more than 3,300 daily flights from over 90 bases, connecting 230 destinations in over 37 countries and operating a fleet of over 570 Boeing 737 aircraft.
Position based in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Job Start – 3 months paid training starting from May 26th.
✈ Metalworking, cutting, drilling, and riveting tasks;✈ Working with various equipment – bending machines, metal guillotines, drills, grinders, etc.;✈ Working in a team alongside experienced aircraft structure repair technicians;✈ Searching for and implementing the best repair solutions;✈ Fast and high-quality aircraft repair;✈ Shift work with a schedule from 07:00 to 19:00 (training schedule will differ).
✈ Knowledge of English (both written and oral).
✈ Computer literacy;
✈ Willing to do shift work 07:00 – 19:00 and 19:00 – 07:00.
✈ All applicants must have an unrestricted right to work in the Lithuania.
✈ Paid 3-month training;
✈ Interesting experience in aviation and career opportunities.
✈ Friendly and professional team.
✈ Internal training and the opportunity to learn from professionals in their field.
✈ All necessary work clothing and personal protective equipment.
✈ Additional paid free time during the summer (after the required number of hours has been collected).
✈ After 1 year – 24/7 accident insurance and the company’s contribution to your pension funds.
✈ Salary from 830 NET.
Norėdami sužinoti daugiau apie siūlomą darbo vietą, galite susisiekti su įmonės kontaktiniu asmeniu:
Atsakingas asmuo | Simona Sabaitytė (Personalo atrankų specialistė) |
Tel. Nr. (+370...) | +37066590308 |
El. paštas | sabaitytes@ryanair.com |